Opportunity in Risk Management
Organisator, Opportunity in Risk Management, 10/09
Firms of every size always need to know their status quo if they want to secure their existence and encourage success. Risk management is one of the most important information and security tools for this purpose.
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Risk Analysis brings Clarity
Erfolg, Risk Management, July/August 2009
Practical, SME-oriented software risk self-analysis solutions offer efficient, resource-saving support.
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Practical Risk Analysis
Organisator, Practical Risk Analysis, 05/09
Risk management is no longer just something that large corporations need to be concerned with. SMEs now also have to become involved - despite having very different access to the required resources. Risk analysis software solutions that are specifically tailored to SMEs' needs offer a solution.
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Risk Analysis for SMEs
SMU USM Bulletin 04/2009 - Risk Analysis for SMEs
In an increasingly complex world, corporate risk management is becoming more and more important. SMEs aren't excluded from this trend. Risk management means identifying, knowing, evaluating, managing and then well-documenting risks. These tasks place high demands on firms and are generally associated with significant time investments.
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Systematic Risk Management - Case Study
Der Schweizer Treuhänder 03/08
According to Article 663b of the Swiss Code of Obligations, auditors must now check "information about risk assessment implementation" attached to annual financial statements. In line with this provision's introduction, the Board of Directors and Executive Committee of Varioprint AG, Heiden/AR have implemented a pragmatic approach to risk assessment.
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Systematic Risk Management – Implementation Case Study in a SME Business
Schweizerische Kommunal Revue 01/08
Varioprint AG, Heiden AR is a high-tech sector printed circuit board factory with around 130 employees. In line with the introduction of new Swiss Code of Obligations provisions (Article 663b) that compel auditors to check "information about risk assessment implementation" attached to annual financial statements, the firm's Board of Directors and Executive Committee have decided on a notably hands-on approach to the risk assessment implementation issue.
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